- What trends are you seeing in youth today? "Teens are much more open about their personal life." "They are given the easy way out too often. People don't give them credit for what they can do." "They have more knowledge about sexual things at a younger age. They are insecure with poor body images. And younger kids are getting into drugs." "They exhibit selfishness - I want it now so give it to me. There is no denial." "They are more open to accepting Christ. They want to know more. But they also want the worldly stuff, like sex." "Communication is artificial, like texting. There is a boldness (sex-ting) and timidity in person (due to lack of authentic connectedness.)" "Single parent families, many lost youth that need to reached out to." "Dependence on electronics (texting, email, etc.)" "They are interested in what their friends do; sex, drugs, gangs."
- What belief systems do you see in youth today? "Take care of 'me', we are okay if we are trying. There is not one true God." "It's okay to believe what you want, it really does not matter." "Beliefs in romantic relationships as a source of security and self worth. There is a lot of searching before believing, and they are asking alot of questions." "Kids believe in technology, even though they can't see it or understand it." "They believe in God and His rules, but they still desire the worldly stuff and act upon it." "Technology is god - they can't live without it." "Universalism." "I see more kids turning to Christ even though their parents may not believe but I also see where some of the peer pressure is to expect and even explore other religions." "Some feel like no one cares about them, some believe in God, some don't." "Christianity or atheisism for the most part." "Some of our youth today don't believe in God and their parents don't have a relationship with God. The youth don't attend church, and if they do, the youth sometimes disrespect authority figures."
- Where do you see youth finding their sense of community? "Their peers." "Friends, church, sports, on-line." "Friends, school, sports, youth group." "In groups, much as it has always been, peers." "I believe they steer toward the group that accepts them." "In places where authentic, personal, and real human resources exist." "Friends, sports teams, youth group." "School." "Their friends." "In the church, but a lot of kids look to their school and friends." "Among their friends (no adult in their lives.)"
- What role do you see technology having in youth's lives? "Large, they relate better to it." "Huge, they lead real lives and virtual lives." "I think they play a huge role in their lives today. It's probably the biggest part of communication for youth today." "It is their life. Technology plays a huge role. Communication, as I knew it is gone-it is all techno." "Technology plays a huge role in youth's lives today." "Erecting false and artificial relationships that are true only in their cyber world." "Huge-use all the time." "It can create more drama with the easy way of communicating with others." "Huge...technology is a major part of today's youth." "They depend on it and it has beccome their lifeline...not just for communication, but for almost every aspect of their lives. The even use it to bully other kids."
- What is your perception of your role in youth's lives? "Friend, role model." "Find ways to help them build authentic personal relationships with caring, committed adults." "A mentor, a counselor, a confidant." "Mom, grandma, friend. So many of these kids are from broken homes - with no sense of "parents." "Mentor, example, confidant, friend, leader." "Leader, role model, confidant, friend." "An encourager." "To be a positive role model and to someday be able to lead a teen to Christ." "As a kind of a mentor." "I try to teach them what is right, what the Word of God says." "To be there to love them and help them through life." "To be there as a sounding board and a shoulder if they need one."
- What measuring sticks do you use to measure a student's spiritual formation? "What they say and what they do." "I ask questions that prob beyond their 'Christian' answers to see what they truly understand." "Not sure if there is a specific way to measure because each student is very unique and individual. Can tell a lot by life changes, language, activities, etc." "Their heart and words, their actions." "True belief, sincerity, walk outside youth group, walk during youth group." "Connectedness to the local church, desire to serve others, acceptance of all teens who visit church." "Knowledge, commitment, level of leadership, reaction to stimulation." "How they treat each other." "Growth."
- How do you creatively make space for youth to explore spirituality and discipleship? "I let them into my life, my doors are always open." "Have a youth ministry gathering that allows upon discussion without preaching." "I just make sure I am there for them and if I can't answer their question I direct them to someone who can. I stay involved in the process." "Open discussion, freedom to ask questions, and explore their faith through reading and technology." "I let them question and I help them process what they believe." "Schedule mission type events and also create quantity quiet times for reflection." "This is something I need to work on."
- What do you believe to be youth's greatest need or hurdle today? "To be truly and unconditionally loved (need). Parents don't seem to have a lot of time for their children (hurdle)." "Love...for the person they are." "Security, trust, independence (need). Societies views on beauty, sex, and drugs (hurdle)." "People they can trust and discipline." "The family (hurdle). To feel they have spiritual guidance they can trust and someone who relates to them (need)." "Personal relationships (need). Overcoming temptations and counterfeit relationships through technology (hurdles)." "A solid role model outside the family and strong friends (need). Lack of seeking holiness (hurdle)." "Doubt, pressure, and too many choices, all leading to a distracted mind." "The need for more people to be willing to reach out to them." "Positive attention. I think a lot of times they are labeled as 'trouble-makers' because they are teens. And when people view kids that way, they are going to start acting that way." "To show them the love that comes from Christ."
- What do you believe to be youth's greatest asset today? "Solid group of friends/role models." "There seems to be a desire for meaning through service-more than ever." "Their desire and ability to witness once they find Christ." "Openness, honesty." "Intelligence, independent spirit, calling to be leaders, want to see a change in our world and individuals." "Their look on life to see past common problems and answers." "Their willingness to communicate." "To have a great church who understands these kids and loves them" "Youth groups." "People that are willing to reach out to them." "The capacity to learn and love."
5 years ago
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