Author Richard R. Dunn of “Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students: A Guide for Youth Workers, Pastors, Teacher and Campus Ministers” offers the following questions for us, as spiritual guides, that we can ask ourselves in preparation for loving well the students under our care. It is suggested we pray that God will speak truth and grace into our lives: (69)
· How effective am I as an empathic listener? In what key areas do my skills need development? Where may my heart need to be changed?
· How does God want to shape or perhaps reshape my prayer life as a pacing-then-leading spiritual caregiver?
· How effective am I as one who leads with the truth? In what key areas do my skills need development? Where may my heart need to be changed?
· How effective am I when I am called upon to confront or to resolve conflict? In what key areas do my skills need development? Where may my heart need to be changed?
· How will I become different if I yield more fully to God’s process of transforming me into a pacing-then-leading spiritual caregiver?
· How do I equip adolescents to live with moral purpose and purity in the midst of a sensate culture? What does pacing and then leading look like in relationship to the moral selves of postmodern adolescents?
· How do I provide an environment for the nurture of adolescent spiritual maturation in the midst of a sensate culture? What will have to change for me to provide spiritual caregiving in view of the adolescents’ generation rather than my own?
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