· Statistically it has been said that 80% of people who grew up in the church leave it when they hit their twenties, yet we are seeing the interest in spirituality at an all time high.
· More than 80% of college respondents (112,232) of a Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA poll said they are very interested in spirituality, eight out of ten attend religious services, and two-thirds pray.
· “This generation is looking for adult leadership that will believe in them, listen to them, understand them and model being authentic followers of Jesus Christ.” (25) Youth workers as entertainers or program directors should be part of the past, and instead we must be authentic shepherds and spiritual guides.
· “Presence-centered youth ministry is about deconstructing the big business of North American evangelicalism and returning to the missional nature of ministry in the way of Jesus.” (26)
· There is a trend in this country where people hold evangelicals in contempt because of the way the Message is communicated, endorsing a high standard of conduct but not living by it, and how we love to show our piety publically. We are seen as shallow, legalistic, and not normal!
· “More and more church leaders, theologians and historians are concerned that the North American evangelical church is pursuing an agenda that harkens back to the era of Christendom….” (28) I would agree!
· Youth are tired of the McDonaldization of Christianity…just say yes to Jesus and your life will be great.
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