Okay…if you haven’t yet read over the responses from the youth questionnaires…please do. I found the results confirming and insightful! I think you may too! And I would love to hear from you.
First, my desire was to get an inside look into the minds of high school youth that attended a church youth group. I was pleasantly surprised when 84 turned in their completed questionnaires. I hoped to gain a better understanding of their values, support systems, meaning, views of God, influences, fears, hopes, and lastly, how technology played a perceived role in their lives. I feel as though I now have direct input that can be applied to my reading, learning and ministry.
In terms of values, supports, influencers, and where they felt they belonged, responses varied. But as expected, ‘friends’ rated very high. I found it very interesting, given popular opinion, that ‘family’ was rated high as well. ‘Church’ and ‘youth group’ also was listed often as a place of support and belonging. I sense from the responses that what adolescents’ desire is community, a place to feel accepted and loved.
Hopes and fears brought the largest variety of responses, I sense the majorities of fears encompass being alone, not accepted, loss, and hope was once again about community, family, sense of belonging. Succeeding and failing also seem to dominate many of their thoughts. I find the responses to where they feel a sense of belonging filled with questioning and wonder. They are media saturated, experience and feeling-driven, overwhelmed with options, materialistic, despairing and hopeless. The church, the workers, and God.......calling to our youth to be redeemed, and have a sense of belonging….so we must continue pursuing, loving, listening!
First, my desire was to get an inside look into the minds of high school youth that attended a church youth group. I was pleasantly surprised when 84 turned in their completed questionnaires. I hoped to gain a better understanding of their values, support systems, meaning, views of God, influences, fears, hopes, and lastly, how technology played a perceived role in their lives. I feel as though I now have direct input that can be applied to my reading, learning and ministry.
In terms of values, supports, influencers, and where they felt they belonged, responses varied. But as expected, ‘friends’ rated very high. I found it very interesting, given popular opinion, that ‘family’ was rated high as well. ‘Church’ and ‘youth group’ also was listed often as a place of support and belonging. I sense from the responses that what adolescents’ desire is community, a place to feel accepted and loved.
Hopes and fears brought the largest variety of responses, I sense the majorities of fears encompass being alone, not accepted, loss, and hope was once again about community, family, sense of belonging. Succeeding and failing also seem to dominate many of their thoughts. I find the responses to where they feel a sense of belonging filled with questioning and wonder. They are media saturated, experience and feeling-driven, overwhelmed with options, materialistic, despairing and hopeless. The church, the workers, and God.......calling to our youth to be redeemed, and have a sense of belonging….so we must continue pursuing, loving, listening!
I was certainly blessed reading their responses to all the questions, but none more than their views of God. I could see an undercurrent throughout the responses of a God who plays a central role in many of their lives. I wish, in hindsight, that I had questioned more their views of God, Christianity, and the Church. Perhaps I am being optimistic, but I do sense a generation that is seeking truth and authenticity in their relationship with God (and those associated with Christianity!)
Now…regarding technology…I agree it is pervasive in the world and our lives today. I was surprised in that these youth, although extremely tied to their cell phones, their responses to the technology questions were less than I had expected. Their responses were geared towards being able to communicate with their friends and family rather than being tied to computers, games, movies, and so on. Although a few seem extremely influenced by their ‘gadgets’, most simply utilize them for communication.
I smiled as I read through their responses to the technology helpful/distraction question. Helpful and distraction were basically split, but there was an overwhelming response to technology being BOTH helpful and distraction. I feel this was an honest evaluation on their parts! Perhaps, as spiritual guides for youth, our question may be how God/church/relationships can become the focus of their attention…how we can help them to hear the Good News…given all the distractions!
I would value hearing from you and your perceptions of these responses. Blessings!
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